Global Poll Shows Public Support for Taliban Negotiations June 22, 2011 Full Report (PDF) Negotiating with the Taliban is the public’s preferred strategy for NATO to adopt in Afghanistan, rather than trying to defeat the Taliban or withdrawing troops immediately, according to the results of a BBC World Service 24-nationContinue Reading

Indonesia and USA ‘Most Entrepreneur-Friendly Nations’: Global Poll May 25, 2011 Full Report (PDF) Indonesia, the USA, Canada, India, and Australia are among the countries with the best cultures in the world for people to start a new business, while Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Russia are the least friendlyContinue Reading

American Public Sees Democratization of Middle East as Positive for US April 11, 2011 Favors Democratization Even if Countries Become Less Friendly to US Full report (PDF) Questionnaire with findings (PDF) An overwhelming majority of Americans think that it would be positive for the United States if the Middle EastContinue Reading

Sharp Drop in American Enthusiasm for Free Market, Poll Shows April 6, 2011 American public support for the free market economy has dropped sharply in the past year, and is now lower than in China, according to a GlobeScan poll released today. The findings, drawn from 12,884 interviews across 25Continue Reading