Poll of 18 African Countries Finds All Support Democracy June 12, 2006 Divided on Performance of Elected Governments Africans strongly support democracy despite frustration in some countries with unfair elections, corruption and unresponsive political leaders, a multinational poll by Afrobarometer shows. In all 18 countries surveyed the most common view wasContinue Reading

How Russians and Americans View Each Other, Themselves, China and Iran June 2, 2006 WorldPublicOpinion.org, together with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, hosted a discussion on May 31, 2006, about the findings of its new poll of Russians and Americans. The following is an edited transcript. The findings wereContinue Reading

French Public Stands Behind Protests Against New Labor Law March 28, 2006 By Angela Stephens With French young people in the streets protesting a new law that will allow employers to fire workers under age 26 without review, French public opinion polls indicate that the French public is largely standingContinue Reading