U.S. Public Supports Putting Iraq Operation Under U.N. September 12, 2003 Operation Perceived As Not Going Well But Support for Staying Course Still Strong Questionnaire A strong majority of Americans would apparently support the president’s September 7 proposal to get U.N. backing and more international participation for the Iraq operation.Continue Reading

Americans on Iran July 31, 2003 US Public Opposes War With Iran Full Report Questionnaire A new PIPA/Knowledge Networks poll and an analysis of polling from other organizations reveal that a large majority opposes going to war with Iran. At the same time a majority would consider using limited militaryContinue Reading

Americans on Intervention in Liberia July 31, 2003 Support for Contributing US Troops to Liberia Soft but Growing Questionnaire A poll on contributing US troops to a UN peacekeeping operation in Liberia, conducted by Gallup July 25-27, finds a strong 63% approving – up from 57% when Gallup asked theContinue Reading