American Public Shows How it Would Cut the Budget Deficit July 3, 2011 Published February 3, 2011 Full report(PDF) Questionnaire with Findings, Methodology (PDF) A new study finds that when average Americans are presented the federal budget in some detail, most are able to dramatically reduce the budget deficit andContinue Reading

November 29, 2010 Questionnaire with Findings, Methodology (PDF) As debates about how to deal with the budget deficit have heated up in recent weeks, a new Networks poll finds that Americans continue to vastly overestimate the amount of the federal budget that is devoted to foreign aid. Asked toContinue Reading

Economic System Needs ‘Major Changes’: Global Poll March 31, 2009 Full Report (PDF) Major reform of the international economic system is needed in order to solve the current crisis, according to a new global poll of over 29,000 people carried out for BBC World Service. As G20 leaders prepare toContinue Reading