Why Muslims are still mad at America September 9, 2011 By Steven Kull Originally published on CNN’s Global Public Square on September 5, 2011 On the ten-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, many Americans are wondering whether the risk of a terrorist attack against America has been reduced. The pictureContinue Reading

New Book on Muslim Anger at America by PIPA’s Steven Kull April 26, 2011 Order Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America by Steven Kull from the Brookings Institution Press A new book, Feeling Betrayed: The Roots of Muslim Anger at America by Steven Kull, director of theContinue Reading

International Poll: No Consensus On Who Was Behind 9/11 September 10, 2008 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) Press Release (PDF) A WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of 17 nations found that majorities in only nine of them believed that al Qaeda was behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. In no country did aContinue Reading

Iranians Overwhelmingly Reject Bin Laden January 30, 2007 Both Iranians and Americans See Terrorism as a Threat to Their Countries Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Iranians and Americans are both very concerned about the danger of terrorism, reject attacks against civilians overwhelmingly and share strongly negative views of Osama bin Laden. AlthoughContinue Reading