Meet John Q. Public, deficit-cutter August 1, 2011 By Steven Kull This article originally appeared in Politico on July 27, 2011. As Democrats and Republicans head perilously closer to federal default on the debt, like teenagers heading toward a cliff in the game of chicken, we might ask “What wouldContinue Reading

American Public Shows How it Would Cut the Budget Deficit July 3, 2011 Published February 3, 2011 Full report(PDF) Questionnaire with Findings, Methodology (PDF) A new study finds that when average Americans are presented the federal budget in some detail, most are able to dramatically reduce the budget deficit andContinue Reading

Who really has the public’s support on health care? March 15, 2010 By Steven Kull Originally published in the March 14th issue of The Baltimore Sun Polls on health care can be confusing. At last month’s health care summit, Republicans repeatedly asserted that the majority is with them in theirContinue Reading