August 30, 2012 Most Support Obama’s Plan for Withdrawal A majority of Americans do not think the war in Afghanistan has reduced the threat of terrorism. However, this does not lead Americans to want to withdraw immediately, nor to persist indefinitely in the effort. Majorities express comfort with President Obama’sContinue Reading

Global Poll Shows Public Support for Taliban Negotiations June 22, 2011 Full Report (PDF) Negotiating with the Taliban is the public’s preferred strategy for NATO to adopt in Afghanistan, rather than trying to defeat the Taliban or withdrawing troops immediately, according to the results of a BBC World Service 24-nationContinue Reading

Global Poll Finds Widespread Belief that Afghans Want NATO Forces Out July 23, 2009 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) A new poll of nations around the world finds that most publics polled believe that the Afghan people want NATO forces to leave Afghanistan now. On average 53 percent have this belief, whileContinue Reading

Why Turks Feel Threatened by the US September 5, 2007 Which Middle Eastern public has the largest percentage of people naming the United States as the country that poses the greatest threat? The answer, according to the most recent Pew Global Attitudes Project survey, is Turkey, a NATO ally andContinue Reading

Q & A: Emre Erdogan, Infakto Research Workshop August 30, 2007 Dr. Erdogan is a founding partner of Infakto Research Workshop in Istanbul and a member of ARI Movement, an independent research and educational organization. He spoke with WPO via email. In the latest Pew Global Attitudes poll, more thanContinue Reading