All Iraqi Ethnic Groups Overwhelmingly Reject al Qaeda September 27, 2006 But Groups Vary on Iran, Syria, Hezbollah Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Transcript of Brookings Saban Center Event A new poll of Iraqis shows that al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden are rejected by overwhelming majorities of Shias and Kurds andContinue Reading

Six in Ten Poles Oppose U.S. Anti-Missile Base August 31, 2006 Poles are among the few nations that hold generally positive views of the United States. But a poll published Aug. 10, 2006, in the Polish daily Rzeczpospolita found that 63 percent of Poles were against allowing the United StatesContinue Reading

Large and Growing Numbers of Muslims Reject Terrorism, Bin Laden June 30, 2006 Negative Views of West and US Unabated New polls of Muslims from around the world find large and increasing percentages reject suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians and say they have no confidence inContinue Reading