World Poll Finds Global Leadership Vacuum June 16, 2008 Bush Widely Mistrusted, But No Other Leader Does Much Better Only UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Gets Moderately Positive Ratings Click here to view Newsweek International’s Cover Story About the Poll Country-by-Country Summaries (PDF) Questionnaire/methodology (PDF) Press Release (PDF) Full PDFContinue Reading

April 17, 2008 Most Think Price Will Go Much Higher Americans Think Their Government Is Acting as if Oil Will Not Run Out Full report (PDF) Questionnaire/methodology(PDF) A new poll finds that majorities in 15 of 16 nations surveyed around the world think that oil is running out andContinue Reading

Erosion of Support for Free Market System: Global Poll April 15, 2008 Supporters of Free Market Look for Strong Government Regulation Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) Majorities in most countries continue to support the free market system, but over the last two years support has eroded in 10 of 18Continue Reading

Righting Wrongs April 14, 2008 Sixty years after the universal declaration of human rights was adopted by the UN, attitudes, at least, have change dramatically By Peter Singer Published April 16, 2008 After a century that saw two world wars, the Holocaust, Stalin’s gulag, the killing fields of Cambodia, andContinue Reading