October 11, 2006 Concern about global warming has increased sharply in the United States. Nearly half of the American public sees climate change as a critical threat to vital U.S. interests. The U.S. public is not alone. A multinational poll by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs finds that globalContinue Reading

All Iraqi Ethnic Groups Overwhelmingly Reject al Qaeda September 27, 2006 But Groups Vary on Iran, Syria, Hezbollah Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Transcript of Brookings Saban Center Event A new poll of Iraqis shows that al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden are rejected by overwhelming majorities of Shias and Kurds andContinue Reading

Most Iraqis Want U.S. Troops Out Within a Year September 27, 2006 Say U.S. Presence Provoking More Conflict Than it is Preventing Approval of Attacks on U.S.-led Forces Rises to 6 in 10 Published September 27, 2006 Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Transcript of Brookings Saban Center Briefing A new WPO pollContinue Reading