New Poll Shows French and Germans more Sympathetic toward Israel June 20, 2006 A poll by the Pew Global Attitudes project shows that the French and Germans have become more sympathetic toward Israel since the Palestinians elected Hamas, a radical Islamic group that has refused to recognize Israel or renounceContinue Reading

July 12, 2006 Questionnaire/ Methodology On the eve of the St. Petersburg G8 Summit focused on energy security, a 19-nation opinion poll conducted for the BBC World Service shows that large majorities around the world see grave threats from the way the world currently produces and uses energy. Across allContinue Reading

Large and Growing Numbers of Muslims Reject Terrorism, Bin Laden June 30, 2006 Negative Views of West and US Unabated New polls of Muslims from around the world find large and increasing percentages reject suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians and say they have no confidence inContinue Reading