Americans on CAFTA and U.S. Trade Policy July 11, 2005 Majority Ready to Support CAFTA, If More Trade Adjustment Assistance and Enforcement of Labor Standards Full Report Questionnaire As the House of Representatives enters into intensive debate over ratification of the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), a new PIPA-KnowledgeContinue Reading

Overwhelming Majority of Americans Favors U.S. Joining With G-8 Members to Limit Greenhouse Gas Emissions Full Report Questionnaire An overwhelming majority of Americans supports the United States  agreeing to limit greenhouse gas emissions in concert with other members of the G-8 Summit. The new PIPA-Knowledge Networks poll asked, if, atContinue Reading

June 30, 2005 Americans Support U.S. and G-8 Countries Committing to Spend 0.7% GDP on World Poverty Full Report Questionnaire A major focus of the upcoming G-8 Summit of the major industrial powers will be several ideas for addressing world poverty, especially in Africa. A new PIPA-Knowledge Networks poll ofContinue Reading

The American Public on the Islamic World June 7, 2005 Comments By PIPA Director Steven Kull at the Conference on US-Islamic World Relations Co-Sponsored by the Qatar Foreign Ministry and the Saban Center of the Brookings Institution DOHA, Qatar—When Americans look at events in the Middle East, they do notContinue Reading