Iranians: Do They Say They Want a Revolution? July 19, 2007 Are the Iranian people deeply dissatisfied with their current system of government? Is the general public actually pro-American contrary to the position of their government? These questions are not academic. The Bush Administration’s policy of regime change in IranContinue Reading

World Publics Reject US Role as the World Leader April 17, 2007 Majorities Still Want US to Do Its Share in Multilateral Efforts, Not Withdraw from International Affairs Mixed Views on US Overseas Bases Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire (PDF) Methodology/Research Partners (PDF) A multinational poll finds that publics around theContinue Reading

World View of US Role Goes From Bad to Worse January 22, 2007 Questionnaire/Methodology The global view of the United States’ role in world affairs has significantly deteriorated over the last year according to a BBC World Service poll of more than 26,000 people across 25 different countries. As theContinue Reading