May 20, 2009 Efforts Seen as Helping Americans as Well as People in Poor Nations Full report (PDF) Questionnaire/methodology (PDF) Despite the economic downturn, a large majority of Americans support US efforts to improve health in poor countries. This support is grounded in altruistic concern for the poor, but itContinue Reading

Growing Majority of Americans Oppose Israel Building Settlements April 29, 2009 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) A new poll finds that three-quarters of Americans think that Israel should not build settlements in the Palestinian territories. This is up 23 points from when this question was last asked in 2002. One third ofContinue Reading

Americans Oppose Most Farm Subsidies April 22, 2009 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) As the Obama administration has sought to cut farm subsidies for next year’s budget they have encountered strong resistance, especially in farm states. However a new poll finds that the American public, including in farm states, would favor eliminatingContinue Reading

Growing Optimism That Obama Will Improve US Relations: Global Poll January 16, 2009 Full report (PDF) As Barack Obama prepares to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States, a new 17-nation poll conducted for the BBC World Service finds widespread and growing optimism that his presidencyContinue Reading