American Public Says Government Leaders Should Pay Attention to Polls March 21, 2008 Eight in Ten Say Public Should Have Greater Influence on Government Questionnaire (PDF) In sharp contrast to views recently expressed by Vice President Cheney, a new poll finds that an overwhelming majority of Americans believe government leadersContinue Reading

Large Majorities of Americans and Russians Oppose All Space Weapons January 23, 2008 Strong Bipartisan Support for Unilateral Restraint Large Majorities Favor Treaty Against Attacking or Developing the Capability to Attack Satellites Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire / Methodology (PDF) Related article in Arms Control Today authored by the principal researchersContinue Reading

A New Lens on Pakistan January 18, 2008 By Steven Kull This article was originally published on PostGlobal. It can be found here on their site. A recent poll of the Pakistani public reveals the distortions in the lens through which many Americans view the events in the Muslim world.Continue Reading

Pakistanis Want Larger Role for Both Islam and Democracy January 4, 2008 Majority Reject Talibanization and Favor Reform of Madrassas Growing Perception that US Threatens Islam Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire / Methodology (PDF) USIP Working Paper An in-depth survey of Pakistani public opinion reveals majority support for a moderate andContinue Reading