Negative Attitudes toward the United States in the Muslim World: Do They Matter? May 17, 2007 Testimony of Dr. Steven Kull Director, Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA), University of Maryland Editor, May 17, 2007 – 2:00 PM Before House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on International Organizations, HumanContinue Reading

Muslims Believe US Seeks to Undermine Islam April 24, 2007 Majorities Want US Forces Out of Islamic Countries And Approve of Attacks on US Troops Large Majorities Agree With Many Goals of Al Qaeda But Oppose Attacks on Civilians Most Support Enhancing Role of Islam in Their Society, But AlsoContinue Reading

World Publics Reject US Role as the World Leader April 17, 2007 Majorities Still Want US to Do Its Share in Multilateral Efforts, Not Withdraw from International Affairs Mixed Views on US Overseas Bases Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire (PDF) Methodology/Research Partners (PDF) A multinational poll finds that publics around theContinue Reading

How Muslims and Americans View Each Other March 12, 2007 Comments by Steven Kull, editor of, at the US-Islamic Forum in Doha, Qatar, February 18, 2007. For some years now, as part of developing the web resource, we have been conducting studies of public opinion in the MuslimContinue Reading