Six in Ten Poles Oppose U.S. Anti-Missile Base August 31, 2006 Poles are among the few nations that hold generally positive views of the United States. But a poll published Aug. 10, 2006, in the Polish daily Rzeczpospolita found that 63 percent of Poles were against allowing the United StatesContinue Reading

U.S. and Venezuela Lead World in National Pride August 31, 2006 Presidents Bush and Chávez may represent opposite poles of the hemispheric political spectrum but the people of the United States and Venezuela have something in common: both are brimming with national pride. A 33-country survey by the University ofContinue Reading

British and Canadians Criticize Leaders for Following U.S. Lead August 9, 2006 Polls Show Weak Support for Missions in Iraq and Afghanistan Two of President Bush’s closest allies—Great Britain’s Tony Blair and Canada’s Stephen Harper—have alienated voters by seeming to follow the United States’ lead on policy toward the MiddleContinue Reading

Percentage of Americans Believing Iraq had WMD Rises August 9, 2006 Growing numbers of Americans think that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when the United States launched its 2003 invasion, though majorities also believe that the war has encouraged terrorists to attack the United States and doubt that IraqContinue Reading

Americans Believe Israeli Actions Are Justified but Share International Reservations about Extent of Military Offensive August 2, 2006 A strong majority of Americans believe Israel is justified in taking action against the Hezbollah militia. But recent polls also show that U.S. support for Israel�s offensive is not absolute. Most AmericansContinue Reading