Poll Finds Overwhelming Majorities in Lebanon Support Hezbollah, Distrust U.S. August 2, 2006 Most Lebanese—including majorities across all major religious groups—support Hezbollah in its conflict with Israel and distrust the United States as a mediator, according to a recent Lebanese poll. Palestinians also overwhelmingly support both Hezbollah and the HamasContinue Reading

Americans Support Full Due-Process Rights for Terrorism Suspects July 17, 2006 Majorities Oppose Rendition of Suspects to Countries that Practice Torture Most Believe Abu-Ghraib-type Abuses Still Occurring Published 7/17/06 Full Report American Questionnaire/Methodology In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Bush Administration plans to try hundreds ofContinue Reading

Large and Growing Numbers of Muslims Reject Terrorism, Bin Laden June 30, 2006 Negative Views of West and US Unabated New polls of Muslims from around the world find large and increasing percentages reject suicide bombings and other forms of violence against civilians and say they have no confidence inContinue Reading