Global Poll Finds Iran Viewed Negatively February 3, 2006 US Continues to Get Low Marks Views of China, Russia, France Down Sharply Europe and Japan Viewed Most Positively Click here to view a new BBC poll on this subject released 3/6/2007 Questionnaire/ Methodology A major BBC World Service poll exploringContinue Reading

January 31, 2006 Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Though many Iraqis are unhappy with the presence of US-led forces, most express strong support for various forms of international assistance, including the presence of foreign security forces, UN (rather than US) leadership on reconstruction, an international conference of global and regional players toContinue Reading

Global Poll Finds Diverse Economic Perceptions January 24, 2006 Mexicans, Germans, Russians Become More Upbeat; Indonesians, Britons, French, Americans More Negative Questionnaire/Methodology As the World Economic Forum meets in Davos this week to talk about the international economy, a new BBC World Service poll of 32 nations finds highly divergentContinue Reading