Two-thirds of Iranians Ready to Preclude Developing Nuclear Weapons in Exchange for Lifting Sanctions September 22, 2009 But Most Unwilling to Give Up Enrichment Despite Sanctions Questionnaire with Findings, Methodology (PDF) A new poll finds that two-thirds of Iranians would favor their government precluding the development of nuclear weaponsContinue Reading

Iranians Favor Diplomatic Relations With US But Have Little Trust in Obama September 19, 2009 Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire with Findings, Methodology (PDF) A new poll of Iranians finds that six in 10 favor restoration of diplomatic relations between their country and the United States, a stance that isContinue Reading

Pakistani Public Turns Against Taliban, But Still Negative on US July 1, 2009 Companion article: Islamist Militancy in Pakistan: A View from the Provinces Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) Most Pakistanis now see the Pakistani Taliban as well as al Qaeda as a critical threat to the country–a major shiftContinue Reading

Majority of Americans Approve Complete Ban on Torture June 25, 2009 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) Six in 10 Americans approve of having an international convention saying that “governments should never use physical torture” as a means of trying to get information, while 39 percent say such a ban is too restrictive, accordingContinue Reading