How Muslims and Americans View Each Other March 12, 2007 Comments by Steven Kull, editor of, at the US-Islamic Forum in Doha, Qatar, February 18, 2007. For some years now, as part of developing the web resource, we have been conducting studies of public opinion in the MuslimContinue Reading

Israel and Iran Share Most Negative Ratings in Global Poll March 22, 2007 Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) Published on 6 March 2007 A majority of people polled for the BBC World Service across 27 countries believe Israel and Iran have a mainly negative influence in the world with almostContinue Reading

Iranians and Americans Believe Islam and West Can Find Common Ground January 30, 2007 Published January 30 2007 Despite Mutual Antagonism, Half of Iranians and Most Americans Favor Direct US-Iran Talks, More Exchanges Iranians Overwhelmingly Reject Bin Laden Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Concurrent polls of the United States and Iran revealContinue Reading