Iranians Overwhelmingly Reject Bin Laden January 30, 2007 Both Iranians and Americans See Terrorism as a Threat to Their Countries Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Iranians and Americans are both very concerned about the danger of terrorism, reject attacks against civilians overwhelmingly and share strongly negative views of Osama bin Laden. AlthoughContinue Reading

World View of US Role Goes From Bad to Worse January 22, 2007 Questionnaire/Methodology The global view of the United States’ role in world affairs has significantly deteriorated over the last year according to a BBC World Service poll of more than 26,000 people across 25 different countries. As theContinue Reading

Afghan Approval of the Karzai Government and Western Forces,Though Still Strong, Is Declining December 14, 2006 A Majority Feels Frustrated with the Pace of Reconstruction The Taliban Remain Very Unpopular, Despite Their Military Resurgence Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Transcript of event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies A majorityContinue Reading

Americans Believe U.S. International Strategy Has Backfired December 6, 2006 Majorities See World More Fearful of U.S. Military Force, Making Governments More Likely to Pursue WMD Public Opposes Setting Goal of Regime Change in Problem Countries Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology A Majority of Americans Reject Military Threats in Favor of DiplomacyContinue Reading