British and Canadians Criticize Leaders for Following U.S. Lead August 9, 2006 Polls Show Weak Support for Missions in Iraq and Afghanistan Two of President Bush’s closest allies—Great Britain’s Tony Blair and Canada’s Stephen Harper—have alienated voters by seeming to follow the United States’ lead on policy toward the MiddleContinue Reading

Poll Finds Overwhelming Majorities in Lebanon Support Hezbollah, Distrust U.S. August 2, 2006 Most Lebanese—including majorities across all major religious groups—support Hezbollah in its conflict with Israel and distrust the United States as a mediator, according to a recent Lebanese poll. Palestinians also overwhelmingly support both Hezbollah and the HamasContinue Reading

New Poll Shows French and Germans more Sympathetic toward Israel June 20, 2006 A poll by the Pew Global Attitudes project shows that the French and Germans have become more sympathetic toward Israel since the Palestinians elected Hamas, a radical Islamic group that has refused to recognize Israel or renounceContinue Reading