Two in Three Americans Call Iraq a War of Choice, Not Necessity March 15, 2006 Majority Now Says That Iraq Had No WMD Program But Still Divided on Whether Iraq Supported al-Qaeda Bush Administration Perceived as Still Saying Iraq Had Major WMD Program and Supported al-Qaeda Full Report Questionnaire ByContinue Reading

Most Indians Believe Iran Develop Nuclear Weapons March 1, 2006 Think UN Should Try to Stop Nuclear Proliferation Muslim and Hindu Indians Concur Questionnaire/Methodology A new poll in India finds that two out of three Indians believe that Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons and most are concernedContinue Reading

Public Opinion in India and America March 1, 2006 Indians Have Positive Views of U.S. and Bush Indians More Positive Than Americans on China By Angela Stephens As President George W. Bush arrives in India on his first visit to the world�s second most populous country, he is encountering aContinue Reading

World Public Says Iraq War has Increased Global Terrorist Threat February 28, 2006 Favors Early Withdrawal from Iraq But Not If New Government Asks Forces to Stay Questionnaire/Methodology A new global poll finds that in 33 of 35 countries surveyed, the most common view is that the war in IraqContinue Reading

Global Poll Finds Iran Viewed Negatively February 3, 2006 US Continues to Get Low Marks Views of China, Russia, France Down Sharply Europe and Japan Viewed Most Positively Click here to view a new BBC poll on this subject released 3/6/2007 Questionnaire/ Methodology A major BBC World Service poll exploringContinue Reading