International Poll: Most Publics–including Americans–Oppose Taking Sides in Israeli-Palestinian Conflict July 1, 2008 Israeli, Palestinian, American and Arab Leaders All Get Low Marks On Efforts to Resolve Conflict Most Favor UN Playing Robust Role in Peace Enforcement Country-by-Country Summaries (PDF) Questionnaire/methodology (PDF) Press Release (PDF) Full PDF Version A newContinue Reading

World Poll Finds Global Leadership Vacuum June 16, 2008 Bush Widely Mistrusted, But No Other Leader Does Much Better Only UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Gets Moderately Positive Ratings Click here to view Newsweek International’s Cover Story About the Poll Country-by-Country Summaries (PDF) Questionnaire/methodology (PDF) Press Release (PDF) Full PDFContinue Reading

Global Views of USA Improve April 1, 2008 Full Report (PDF) After years of becoming progressively more negative, public views of the United States have begun to improve, according to a BBC World Service Poll across 34 countries. While views of US influence in the world are still predominantly negative,Continue Reading