September 6, 2013 By Steven Kull (Originally published on CNN’s Global Public Square on September 5, 2013) President Barack Obama must pull off a difficult balancing act if he wishes to bring the American public around to supporting – or at least not opposing – military action against Syrian targets.Continue Reading

Global Poll: Obama Overwhelmingly Preferred to Romney October 22, 2012 Full Report (PDF) A new 21-nation poll for BBC World Service indicates that citizens around the world would strongly prefer to see Barack Obama re-elected as US President rather than his Republican challenger Mitt Romney. The poll of 21,797 people,Continue Reading

October 8, 2012 But Public Dissatisfied With Arab Government Response and Favors Decreased Aid to Egypt Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire with Findings (PDF) Majorities of Americans say that the attacks against American embassies in Egypt and Libya on September 11, 2012, were supported only by extremist minorities–not by majorities ofContinue Reading