Meet John Q. Public, deficit-cutter August 1, 2011 By Steven Kull This article originally appeared in Politico on July 27, 2011. As Democrats and Republicans head perilously closer to federal default on the debt, like teenagers heading toward a cliff in the game of chicken, we might ask “What wouldContinue Reading

Does the Majority Want to Tyrannize the Minority? June 22, 2011 Full article (PDF) American Public Shows How it Would Cut the Budget Deficit In the current struggle over how to deal with the budget deficit, there is a recurring fear on both ends of the political spectrum that theContinue Reading

Global Poll Shows Public Support for Taliban Negotiations June 22, 2011 Full Report (PDF) Negotiating with the Taliban is the public’s preferred strategy for NATO to adopt in Afghanistan, rather than trying to defeat the Taliban or withdrawing troops immediately, according to the results of a BBC World Service 24-nationContinue Reading

Indonesia and USA ‘Most Entrepreneur-Friendly Nations’: Global Poll May 25, 2011 Full Report (PDF) Indonesia, the USA, Canada, India, and Australia are among the countries with the best cultures in the world for people to start a new business, while Colombia, Egypt, Turkey, Italy and Russia are the least friendlyContinue Reading