November 29, 2010 Questionnaire with Findings, Methodology (PDF) As debates about how to deal with the budget deficit have heated up in recent weeks, a new Networks poll finds that Americans continue to vastly overestimate the amount of the federal budget that is devoted to foreign aid. Asked toContinue Reading

Governments Misspend More Than Half of Our Taxes–Global Poll September 27, 2010 Full Report (PDF) People believe that their government misspends more than half the money they pay in tax, according to the findings of a new BBC World Service global poll across 22 countries–but many are still looking toContinue Reading

Big Government is Not the Issue August 19, 2010 By Steven Kull An abridged version of the following article appeared in Politico. It includes some newly released poll findings that can be viewed here. Conventional wisdom is that the political pendulum has swung away from the Democrats–driven by a fierceContinue Reading

Listening to the Voice of Humanity June 16, 2010 By Steven Kull This article was originally published in the Spring | Summer 2010 issue of Kosmos Journal When we look at world conditions and project current trends into the future we see much that is disturbing–environmental degradation, the proliferation ofContinue Reading