Muslims and America: Internalizing the Clash of Civilizations June 7, 2010 By Steven Kull This paper was first presented at the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy’s 11th Annual Conference on April 28, 2010 Over the last six years I have been conducting a major study of publicContinue Reading

Americans and the World in Difficult Times June 2, 2010 By Steven Kull This paper was first presented on May 14th, 2010 at the Center for International Security Studies Second Annual Symposium at Princeton University As the stress of two wars combines with after-affects of a deep recession and aContinue Reading

Global Views of United States Improve While Other Countries Decline April 18, 2010 Full Report (PDF) Global views of the United States have improved markedly over the last year while views of many countries have become more negative, according to the latest BBC World Service poll across 28 countries. ForContinue Reading

Who really has the public’s support on health care? March 15, 2010 By Steven Kull Originally published in the March 14th issue of The Baltimore Sun Polls on health care can be confusing. At last month’s health care summit, Republicans repeatedly asserted that the majority is with them in theirContinue Reading