Global Poll: Widespread Perception of Serious Lack of Political Tolerance September 15, 2009 Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) A new poll of 24 nations from around the world finds a widespread perception of a serious lack of political tolerance. Large majorities perceive that people in their nation are notContinue Reading

Global Poll Shows Support for Increased Government Spending and Regulation September 13, 2009 Full Report (PDF) Majorities around the world support governments playing an active role in stimulating and regulating their national economy in response to the current recession, according to a new poll across 20 countries conducted for BBCContinue Reading

World Publics Strongly Favor International Observers for Elections, Including Their Own September 8, 2009 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) The charges of irregularities in the Afghan and Iranian elections have raised the broader issue of how frequently international observers should monitor elections, and whether publics would welcome this in their home countries. AContinue Reading

July 29, 2009 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) A new poll of 19 nations from around the world finds that majorities in 15 think their government should put a higher priority on addressing climate change than it does now. This includes the largest greenhouse gas emitters: China (62% want more action), theContinue Reading

Islamist Militancy in Pakistan: A View from the Provinces July 24, 2009 Companion to Pakistani Public Opinion on the Swat Conflict, Afghanistan and the U.S. By C. Christine Fair In Pakistan’s struggles with Islamist militant groups–foreign and homegrown–the country’s provinces have experienced levels of violence that differ widely by type,Continue Reading