Views of China and Russia Decline in Global Poll February 5, 2009 Full Report (PDF) Public views of China and Russia have slipped considerably in the past year, according to a new BBC World Service poll across 21 countries. Views of the US have improved modestly over the past yearContinue Reading

Growing Optimism That Obama Will Improve US Relations: Global Poll January 16, 2009 Full report (PDF) As Barack Obama prepares to be sworn in as the 44th president of the United States, a new 17-nation poll conducted for the BBC World Service finds widespread and growing optimism that his presidencyContinue Reading

Can Obama Restore the US Image in the Middle East? December 22, 2008 Analysis by Steven Kull Reprinted from the Harvard International Review Sitting in a focus group, a young Jordanian bewailed America’s relationship with his region: “Since 1948, we have tried peace, but everything turned out to be aContinue Reading