America’s Image in the World March 4, 2007 Testimony of Dr. Steven Kull Director, Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA) Editor, March 6, 2007 – 10:00 AM Before House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight I would like to thank the chairman forContinue Reading

Iranians and Americans Believe Islam and West Can Find Common Ground January 30, 2007 Published January 30 2007 Despite Mutual Antagonism, Half of Iranians and Most Americans Favor Direct US-Iran Talks, More Exchanges Iranians Overwhelmingly Reject Bin Laden Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Concurrent polls of the United States and Iran revealContinue Reading

Iranians Overwhelmingly Reject Bin Laden January 30, 2007 Both Iranians and Americans See Terrorism as a Threat to Their Countries Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Iranians and Americans are both very concerned about the danger of terrorism, reject attacks against civilians overwhelmingly and share strongly negative views of Osama bin Laden. AlthoughContinue Reading