World View of US Role Goes From Bad to Worse January 22, 2007 Questionnaire/Methodology The global view of the United States’ role in world affairs has significantly deteriorated over the last year according to a BBC World Service poll of more than 26,000 people across 25 different countries. As theContinue Reading

Cubans Show Little Satisfaction with Opportunities and Individual Freedom January 10, 2007 Rare Independent Survey Finds Large Majorities Are Still Proud of Island’s Health Care and Education Forty-eight years after Fidel Castro entered Havana at the head of a triumphal guerrilla army, Cubans in the island’s largest cities are stillContinue Reading

Afghan Approval of the Karzai Government and Western Forces,Though Still Strong, Is Declining December 14, 2006 A Majority Feels Frustrated with the Pace of Reconstruction The Taliban Remain Very Unpopular, Despite Their Military Resurgence Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Transcript of event at the Center for Strategic and International Studies A majorityContinue Reading