Baghdad Shias Believe Killings May Increase Once U.S.-led Forces Depart but Large Majorities Still Support Withdrawal Within a Year November 20, 2006 Shias in the Capital—Unlike Those in the Rest of Iraq—Oppose Disarming Militias Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Most Shia Arabs living in Baghdad have shifted in recent months from preferringContinue Reading

Afghan Feelings of Security Vary Widely October 31, 2006 Five years after the U.S.-led invasion—and despite intense violence in some regions—about half of Afghans (53%) say they feel safer today than they did under Taliban rule. But the results vary widely according to religious sect, ethnicity and region, a GallupContinue Reading

World Citizens Reject Torture, BBC Global Poll Reveals October 18, 2006 Questionnaire/Methodology A majority of people around the world are opposed to torture even if its purpose is to elicit information that could save innocent lives from terrorism, according to a BBC World Service poll of more than 27,000 peopleContinue Reading