Americans Support Full Due-Process Rights for Terrorism Suspects July 17, 2006 Majorities Oppose Rendition of Suspects to Countries that Practice Torture Most Believe Abu-Ghraib-type Abuses Still Occurring Published 7/17/06 Full Report American Questionnaire/Methodology In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision overturning Bush Administration plans to try hundreds ofContinue Reading

July 12, 2006 Questionnaire/ Methodology On the eve of the St. Petersburg G8 Summit focused on energy security, a 19-nation opinion poll conducted for the BBC World Service shows that large majorities around the world see grave threats from the way the world currently produces and uses energy. Across allContinue Reading

How Russians and Americans View Each Other, Themselves, China and Iran June 2, 2006, together with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, hosted a discussion on May 31, 2006, about the findings of its new poll of Russians and Americans. The following is an edited transcript. The findings wereContinue Reading