The American Public on the Islamic World June 7, 2005 Comments By PIPA Director Steven Kull at the Conference on US-Islamic World Relations Co-Sponsored by the Qatar Foreign Ministry and the Saban Center of the Brookings Institution DOHA, Qatar—When Americans look at events in the Middle East, they do notContinue Reading

23 Nation Poll: Who will Lead the World? April 6, 2005 In 20 Countries, Citizens Want Europe to Be More Influential Than US Full Report Questionnaire A public opinion poll across 23 countries finds that in 20, a majority (17) or a plurality (3) of citizens think it would beContinue Reading

U.S. Budget: The Public’s Priorities March 7, 2005 U.S. Public Would Significantly Alter Bush Administration’s Budget Full Report Questionnaire A new poll finds that the American public would significantly alter the Bush administration’s recently proposed federal budget. Presented a breakdown of the major areas of the proposed discretionary budget andContinue Reading

Americans on the Darfur Crisis and ICC March 1, 2005 Large Bipartisan Majority of Americans Favors Referring Darfur War Crime Cases to International Criminal Court Questionnaire While the Bush administration opposes referring to the International Criminal Court Sudanese individuals charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity in Darfur, aContinue Reading