World Public Favors Globalization and Trade but Wants to Protect Environment and Jobs April 25, 2007 Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire (PDF) Methodology/Research Partners (PDF) Majorities around the world believe economic globalization and international trade benefit national economies, companies, and consumers. But many think trade harms the environment and threatens jobsContinue Reading

Muslims Believe US Seeks to Undermine Islam April 24, 2007 Majorities Want US Forces Out of Islamic Countries And Approve of Attacks on US Troops Large Majorities Agree With Many Goals of Al Qaeda But Oppose Attacks on Civilians Most Support Enhancing Role of Islam in Their Society, But AlsoContinue Reading

World Publics Reject US Role as the World Leader April 17, 2007 Majorities Still Want US to Do Its Share in Multilateral Efforts, Not Withdraw from International Affairs Mixed Views on US Overseas Bases Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire (PDF) Methodology/Research Partners (PDF) A multinational poll finds that publics around theContinue Reading

World Publics Think China Will Catch Up With the US—and That’s Okay May 25, 2007 Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire (PDF) Methodology/Research Partners (PDF) Majorities around the world believe that China will catch up with the United States economically. It’s a prospect that leaves most of those polled—even Americans—unperturbed. A multinationalContinue Reading

World Publics See European Union as a “Positive Influence” March 21, 2007 Most would like to See Europe Grow More Influential than the U.S. The European Union celebrates its 50th birthday March 25 with its members embroiled in controversies over enlargement, a proposed constitution and how to create jobs whileContinue Reading