Less than Half of Pakistani Public Supports Attacking Al Qaeda, Cracking Down on Fundamentalists October 31, 2007 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) Pakistanis show only weak support for using force against Islamic militants and overwhelmingly oppose allowing outside forces to combat al Qaeda on Pakistani territory. Just 44 percent of urban Pakistanis favorContinue Reading

Poll Finds Mixed Views About Bhutto’s Return October 19, 2007 Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) A poll taken in the weeks before the return to Pakistan of Benazir Bhutto, whose convoy was met with an attack as well as large adulatory crowds, finds that a plurality of Pakistanis (50%) approve of her return,Continue Reading

Polling in Iraq and Afghanistan October 17, 2007 Q&A: Matthew Warshaw, D3 Systems Remarks by Matthew Warshaw at DC AAPOR Matthew Warshaw is Senior Research Manager for D3 Systems, which specializes in opinion research in difficult environments. D3 has particular expertise in the Middle East, where since 1988 it hasContinue Reading