World Publics See European Union as a “Positive Influence” March 21, 2007 Most would like to See Europe Grow More Influential than the U.S. The European Union celebrates its 50th birthday March 25 with its members embroiled in controversies over enlargement, a proposed constitution and how to create jobs whileContinue Reading

Publics Divide Over Whether Costly Steps Are Needed Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire (PDF) Methodology/Research Partners (PDF) An international poll finds widespread agreement that climate change is a pressing problem. This majority, however, divides over whether the problem of global warming is urgent enough to require immediate, costly measures or whetherContinue Reading

How Muslims and Americans View Each Other March 12, 2007 Comments by Steven Kull, editor of, at the US-Islamic Forum in Doha, Qatar, February 18, 2007. For some years now, as part of developing the web resource, we have been conducting studies of public opinion in the MuslimContinue Reading

Israel and Iran Share Most Negative Ratings in Global Poll March 22, 2007 Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire/Methodology (PDF) Published on 6 March 2007 A majority of people polled for the BBC World Service across 27 countries believe Israel and Iran have a mainly negative influence in the world with almostContinue Reading