Iranians: Do They Say They Want a Revolution? July 19, 2007 Are the Iranian people deeply dissatisfied with their current system of government? Is the general public actually pro-American contrary to the position of their government? These questions are not academic. The Bush Administration’s policy of regime change in IranContinue Reading

World Publics Think China Will Catch Up With the US—and That’s Okay May 25, 2007 Full Report (PDF) Questionnaire (PDF) Methodology/Research Partners (PDF) Majorities around the world believe that China will catch up with the United States economically. It’s a prospect that leaves most of those polled—even Americans—unperturbed. A multinationalContinue Reading

Iranians and Americans Believe Islam and West Can Find Common Ground January 30, 2007 Published January 30 2007 Despite Mutual Antagonism, Half of Iranians and Most Americans Favor Direct US-Iran Talks, More Exchanges Iranians Overwhelmingly Reject Bin Laden Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Concurrent polls of the United States and Iran revealContinue Reading