The Trump administration’s maximum pressure campaign against Iran creates an almost existential dilemma for European leaders. Should they redouble efforts to engage with Iran to protect the value of multilateral diplomacy and preserve as much of the 2015 nuclear deal as possible? Or, should they prioritize their relationship with theContinue Reading

Download Full Report: Iranian Public Opinion under “Maximum Pressure” Summary of Findings 1.    Current Views of the JCPOAFor the first time, less than half of Iranians approve of the nuclear deal and a majority lacks confidence that the other P5+1 countries besides the U.S. will keep their obligations under theContinue Reading

Download Full Report: Iranian Public Opinion after the Protests  Summary of Findings  1. More Iranians See Economy as Bad and Getting WorseGrowing majorities say Iran’s economic situation is bad and getting worse. Less than a fifth now say the economic condition of their family has improved over the last fourContinue Reading

This survey of Iranian public opinion is the sixth in a series conducted during and after the negotiations that produced the CPOA by the Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland in collaboration with the Program on Public Consultation and Some of the same questions have been askedContinue Reading

In a new survey of the Iranian public, a solid majority of Iranians support their government pursuing a deal with the P5+1 on Iran’s nuclear program. However, most assume that the United States would lift all of its sanctions on Iran, and the majority say that unless the United StatesContinue Reading