Iranians Overwhelmingly Reject Bin Laden January 30, 2007 Both Iranians and Americans See Terrorism as a Threat to Their Countries Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Iranians and Americans are both very concerned about the danger of terrorism, reject attacks against civilians overwhelmingly and share strongly negative views of Osama bin Laden. AlthoughContinue Reading

World Public Says Iraq War has Increased Global Terrorist Threat February 28, 2006 Favors Early Withdrawal from Iraq But Not If New Government Asks Forces to Stay Questionnaire/Methodology A new global poll finds that in 33 of 35 countries surveyed, the most common view is that the war in IraqContinue Reading

January 31, 2006 Full Report Questionnaire/Methodology Though many Iraqis are unhappy with the presence of US-led forces, most express strong support for various forms of international assistance, including the presence of foreign security forces, UN (rather than US) leadership on reconstruction, an international conference of global and regional players toContinue Reading