Increase In-depth survey shows voters would reduce defense budget $12 billion, cut F-35 program, retire one aircraft carrier March 9, 2016 – President Barack Obama and leading Republican presidential candidates have called for increasing defense spending. However, given the opportunity to make their own defense budget, a majority of votersContinue Reading

As the announcement of President Obama’s FY2017 budget draws near, a new, national survey finds majorities of Republicans and Democrats agreeing on cuts in spending and increases in revenues that would reduce the projected deficit by $52 billion. In the in-depth ‘Citizen Cabinet’ survey, respondents were presented the President’s FYContinue Reading

A new poll shows that in dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict overall, an overwhelming 77% of Evangelical Republicans want the United States to lean toward Israel as compared to 29% to Americans overall and 36% of non-Evangelical Republicans. In contrast 66% of all Americans and 60% of Non-Evangelical Republicans want the United StatesContinue Reading

As the June 30 deadline for negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program approaches, a new survey conducted in a red state (Oklahoma), a blue state (Maryland) and a swing state (Virginia) finds large bipartisan majorities in all three support making a deal with Iran rather than pursuing more sanctions.Continue Reading