In a new survey of the Iranian public, a solid majority of Iranians support their government pursuing a deal with the P5+1 on Iran’s nuclear program. However, most assume that the United States would lift all of its sanctions on Iran, and the majority say that unless the United StatesContinue Reading

March 3, 2015 Negotiations over a proposed deal with Iran regarding its nuclear program are coming to a head while a new study finds a clear majority of Americans – 61 percent – support an agreement that would limit Iran’s enrichment capacity and impose additional intrusive inspections in exchange forContinue Reading

June 3, 2014 Views of Russia have strongly deteriorated since last year, as shown in the latest 24-country poll for BBC World Service conducted mostly before the events in Crimea. Feelings have become more negative in 13 countries polled, and are the most negative since the poll began in 2005.Continue Reading